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Автомобильный бокс (автобокс) на крышу

 Перевозка грузов на крыше берёт своё начало ещё с карет, когда чемоданы с багажом крепили специальными ремнями к крыше, таким образом груз не занимал пространство внутри кареты. Для автомобилей, пришедших на смену гужевому транспорту, данное устройство пришлось как нельзя кстати. В данной статье подробно рассмотрим разновидности по типу и вместительности боксов фиксирующихся на крыше автомобиля.

 Данное устройство в основном используется туристами по всему миру, но также служит огромным подспорьем для некоторых автомобилистов, ведь множество малолитражек обладает крайне малой вместительностью багажного отделения.

 Крепления автомобильных боксов рассчитаны как на стандартные места под багажник на крышу, так и на заводские рейлинги.

 Боксы делятся на открытый и закрытый типы:

 Открытый тип

 Такой багажник представляет собой, что-то вроде поддона, на вид. Большим его плюсом считается хорошая вместительность перевозимых грузов. А минус, естественно, незащищённость перевозимого багажа, как от природных явлений, так и от посягательств на него другим людьми. Ещё, при перевозке в таком боксе, все грузы нужно как следует закрепить, иначе они просто слетят при езде.

 Закрытый тип

 К такому типу относятся все закрывающиеся устройства, как в тканевом исполнении (что-то вроде большой сумки), так и жесткий контейнер, в основном сделанный из композитных материалов. Открытие таких боксов бывает: боковым (левым или правым), задним, а также двухсторонним.

 Тканевый бокс - по форме возможны варианты различного исполнения.

 Плюсы такого багажника: легкость, простота складывания в багажник при ненадобности (занимает мало места), непромокаемость, хорошая вместительность за счет эластичности материала.

 Минусы: небольшая разрешённая скорость при езде, не защищает от морозов, плохая антивандальная защита, требует стирки, плохая аэродинамика.

 Жёсткий бокс - закрывающийся контейнер с хорошим креплением к крыше или рейлингам.

 Плюсы устройства: качественное крепление, закрывается на замок, что даёт хорошую защищённость груза, хорошая аэродинамика, защита от пыли, влаги, мороза, осадков и повреждений, легкость в мытье.

 Минусы: большие габариты для отдельного хранения, цена, ограничение перевозимых грузов грузоподъёмностью и габаритами самого бокса.


 Закрытый тип боксов различается по вместительности. Она делится на три класса:

 Объём до 300 литров, небольшая грузоподъёмность. Предназначены для компактных автомобилей.

 Объём до 500 литров, шаг поперечин креплений рассчитан на среднеразмерный автомобиль.

 Самый большой вид, до 660 литров, такие боксы рассчитаны на внедорожники и микроавтобусы, и являются самыми грузоподъёмными.

 Автомобильные боксы отличаются по габаритам. Они делятся на узкие, длинные, широкие и короткие. Это деление отражается не только на внешних отличиях, но и на внутренних отсеках для укладки различных по габаритам грузов.

 Автомобильные боксы на крышу очень удобное устройство, и многие автовладельцы пользуются им в повседневной жизни, этот багажник даёт возможность не загружать салон, а также перевозить основное запасное колесо, освободив место под более габаритный груз, увеличив вместительность штатного багажного отделения.

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Багажные боксы Thule на крышу, их предназначение и использование

Для комфортного путешествия следует взять с собой много вещей разного назначения. Не всегда удаётся упаковать снаряжение в багажник, но выход есть, бокс на крышу станет идеальным решением для удобного расположения вещей на своём авто. Присутствует возможность подобрать размер и габариты бокса, приобрести приемлемый цветовой вариант под стиль своего транспортного средства. Багажный бокс Thule удобен для транспортировки дорожных сумок, палаток, снаряжения, крупногабаритных вещей. Отпадает необходимость трамбовать всё в салон и задний багажник, достаточно купить и установить бокс на крышу, о нём мы и расскажем.

Вместительные и функциональные боксы на крышу Thule

Накрышные багажники Thule выделяются стильностью, удобством и высокой функциональностью. Они в считанные минуты надёжно закрепляются на крыше авто, изготовлены из качественного, безопасного материала, обладают высокой прочностью и износостойкостью. Компания Thule – это лидер по количеству продаваемых аксессуаров для авто, высокие позиции занимают и багажные боксы.

Отличает боксы от открытых багажников закрывание, вещи находятся внутри капсулы, что защищает их от промокания, выгорания. Каждый может выбрать нужный объём бокса на крышу Туле. Производитель предлагает модели на 300-600 литров. Купив длинный бокс, можно разместить в нём лыжи, удилища. Он удобен и для перевозки дорожных сумок, рюкзаков, палаток, прочего снаряжения.

Преимущества багажных боксов от компании Thule:

Очень удобное открывание с дух сторон даёт возможность достать быстро нужный груз.

Ручки позволяют удобно устанавливать и снимать бокс из крыши авто.

Производитель оснастил бокс автоматической системой запирания после опускания крыши, что предотвращает несанкционированное проникновение.

Обтекаемая форма улучшает аэродинамику автомобиля при движении на скорости. Это также способствует снижению расхода топлива.

 С каждым годом босы на крышу становятся всё более популярными. Они удобны и практичны в любых поездках и путешествиях. Производитель Thule постоянно усовершенствует свои модели, делает их универсальными, что даёт возможность установить боксы на любую модель легкового авто, включая кроссоверы и внедорожники.

Стильные и современные Thule Motion XT

Бокс для перевозки груза Thule Motion XT способен удовлетворить все требования путешественников. Производитель выпускает данную модель в четырёх вариациях, от 300 до 610 литров. Также можно выбрать цветовую тональность – Black Glossy (черный глянцевый), Titan Glossy (титановый металлик).

Отличная вместительность бокса на крышу Туле дополняется стильными внешними характеристиками. Они отлично гармонируют с любым авто, а сама конструкция бокса содействует снижению расхода горючего. Авто бокс Thule Motion XT способен добавить изюминки автомобилю, придать ему стильности и совершенства.

Особенности Thule Motion XT:

Внедрение технологии SlideLock даёт возможность разделить функцию закрывания и открывания.

Быстрый доступ к вещам, лёгкое и удобное открытие.

Эргономичный дизайн и оптимизированное расходование объёма.

Закрытый верх – защита сумок и снаряжения от промокания.

Удобное и быстрое крепление (технология PowerClick).

Комфортный и эргономичный бокс Thule Dynamic

Багажный бокс Thule Dynamic – это люксовая модель с современным эргономичным дизайном, который прекрасно дополняет любой автомобиль. Днище с воздушными желобами и невысокая обтекаемая форма ракеты, способствуют снижению сопротивления воздушным массам при движении машины. Производитель оснастил крышный бокс двухсторонним открытием и автоматическим замком. Устройство удобно в эксплуатации и полностью защищено от мошенников.

Особенности Thule Dynamic:

Несколько цветовых вариаций: белый, чёрный, хром, титан.

Основание повторяет форму крыши авто.

Обтекаемая форма способствует активизации движения.

Снижено сопротивление авто встречным потокам воздуха.

Технология Power-Click обеспечивает быстрый монтаж.

Наличие внешних ручек упрощают процесс установки.

Система открытия с двух сторон способствует быстрой загрузке и выгрузке нужных вещей.

При открытии заднего багажника не перекрывает доступ к боксу.

Покрытие бокса с эффектом анти скольжения, что увеличивает степень безопасного использования.

Багажный бокс Thule Dynamic – это высоко функциональное устройство с хорошей вместительностью, надёжным креплением, плавным открыванием и закрыванием, автоматическим замком. Вы можете выбрать Thule Dynamic M на 320 литров или купить модель L на 430 литров, для крышной транспортировки до 75 кг снаряжений. Вещи удобно укладываются, будь то сумки, удилища, лыжи. Они полностью защищены от промокания, снега, ветра, солнечных лучей. Одно удовольствие эксплуатировать боксы от производителя Thule.

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Автобоксы Thule Touring или высокое качество по доступной цене

Для кого-то автомобильный бокс является необходимой частью машины, а кто-то прекрасно справляется и без него. Если вы относитесь к первой категории водителей, тогда наверняка перед вами возникал или еще возникнет вопрос, какую модель автобокса выбрать. Хочется, чтобы цена была доступна да и качество не подвело. И тогда возникает дилемма: купить дорогой автобокс и быть уверенным в надежности изделия или сэкономить, но в то же время не знать, можно ли доверять качеству выбранной марки?

Среди множества производителей, поставляющих в продажу автобоксы, продукция торговой марки Thule заслуживает уважения, о чем свидетельствует множество отзывов покупателей. В последнее время в лидеры вышли автомобильные боксы Thule Touring. Чем же они так полюбились общественности? Каковы их плюсы и есть ли недостатки? Давайте разбираться.


Разновидности автобоксов Thule.

Как и любая другая компания, Thule выпускает несколько серий автомобильных боксов Thule:

• эконом (Touring);

• премиум-эконом (Motion);

• премиум (Dynamic);

• люкс (Excellence).

Разновидности автобоксов Thule

Они могут быть разных моделей. До 2016-ого года в названии указывались цифры, сейчас же – английские буквы, обозначающие размеры: Touring S, Touring M и Touring L (соответственно Touring 100, Touring 200 и Touring 780). Собственные имена есть лишь у двух моделей: Touring Sport и Touring Alpine (соответственно Touring 600 и Touring 700).

Наибольшее количество моделей объемом от 330 до 430 л включает эконом-класс Thule Touring, заявивший о себе в 2014-ом году на выставке во Франкфурте как альтернатива устаревшим моделям Pacific. Хоть автобоксы Thule Pacific долго занимали лидирующие позиции, пришло время их усовершенствовать. Изменился дизайн автомобилей, да и качество материалов претерпело существенные изменения. Теперь в тренде поверхности под акулью кожу. Они отличаются особой прочностью, положительным влиянием на аэродинамику.

thule touring

Компания Thule всегда следила за новинками в области разработок багажных систем. И покрытие типа «акулья кожа» не осталось в стороне. Учитывая свойства этого материала, Thule выпустила для крышек автобоксов ABS-пластик, имеющий новую фактуру поверхности aeroskin с повышенной прочностью и аэродинамичностью. При этом компания не отказалась от выпуска классических глянцевых поверхностей, поэтому в продаже на сегодняшний день представлено два варианта Thule Touring – серый aeroskin и черный глянец.

Комплектация автобокса Thule Touring

Здесь нет никаких особенностей. Она стандартная:

• инструкция;

• крепления (4 шт.);

• ключи (2 шт);

• грузовые ремни (3 шт.).


Конструкция и особенности Thule Touring

Дизайнерское оформление автомобильного бокса Thule Touring стильное и оригинальное. Угловато-плавные края крышки, приподнятая передняя часть, наличие фирменного логотипа и наклейка с наименованием модели – все это свидетельствует о том, что производитель уделяет внимание каждой, даже самой мелкой детали.

  • Замки

Крышка в автобоксах Thule открывается с двух сторон. С каждой стороны бокс запирается в трех точках с помощью подвижной планки и запорных крючков. В запорном гнезде имеется красная кнопка, отвечающая за правильность и герметичность закрытия. Запасной ключ в комплекте имеется.


  • Подъемный механизм крышки

Позволяет открывать крышку автобокса в две стороны. Несмотря на простоту конструкции, он весьма надежен и сможет удержать крышку даже при сильном порыве ветра. Кроме того, подъемные рычаги Thule не замерзают на морозе и не текут на жаре.

  • Дно

Дно автобокса имеет продольные направляющие, позволяющие увеличить допустимую нагрузку на дно и уменьшающие завихрения воздуха при движении автомобиля.

Также автобоксы Thule отличаются наличием прорезиненных прорезей для крепежей, которыми боксы фиксируются. Это позволяет защитить внутреннее пространство от дождя и пыли.

thule боксы

  • Крепление автобокса

Используется модель Fast Click с основательной конструкцией крепления. Механизм работает плавно и исправно, гарантируя жесткость установки автобокса. Клешни зажимов защищены пластиковым кожухом, что позволяет поперечинам автобагажника выдержать даже очень большие нагрузки.

Кроме того, на дне автобокса имеется от 4 до 6 металлических скоб, которые фиксируют содержимое автобокса с помощью грузовых ремней, идущих в комплекте.

  • Гарантия

Если у вас имеется идентификационный номер продукции и чек, подтверждающий факт покупки автобокса, вы сможете воспользоваться гарантийным обслуживанием в любой стране, т.к. на изделие предоставляется всемирная гарантия.


Вместо выводов

Доступная цена не всегда может указывать на низкое качество продукции. И автобоксы Thule Touring – яркий тому пример. Несмотря на то, что они выполнены из более простых материалов и относятся к категории эконом-класса, lucienne3071 они ничем не уступают более дорогим аналогам в надежности и безопасности.

Если вы до сих пор сомневаетесь, стоит ли покупать автомобильный бокс Thule Touring, наш ответ однозначен: стоит! Удачной вам езды и безопасных дорог!

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Как подобрать идеальный автобокс под автомобиль? Простая инструкция

Может показаться, что для покупки автобокса нужно произвести сложные замеры. Спешим разубедить: кое-что измерить всё же придётся, но в целом процесс выбора бокса для автомобиля не так сложен, как может показаться. Что нужно сделать? Разбираем в этой статье!

Зачем нужен автобокс?

Бокс на крыше авто — простой и безопасный способ увеличить количество перевозимых вещей. Особенно удобно это для автотуристов, рыболовов, поклонников лыж и сноуборда, для тех, кто не видит жизни без походов с палатками. Полезны боксы и для тех, кто регулярно переезжает или просто перевозит вещи с места на место. В принципе, он пригодится и жителю города, который хочет сделать движение по дорогам безопасным для всех пассажиров.

Автобокс — это закрывающийся съёмный багажник из прочного пластика, который крепится на поперечины, установленные на крыше автомобиля. Боксы от «ED-market» оснащаются замком с ключом, чтобы надёжно защитить имущество от воришек. Представлены автобоксы в разных размерах, чтобы поместиться на крыше не только сурового внедорожника, но и юркой городской малолитражки.

Остаётся вопрос, по каким же параметрам его нужно подбирать? Рассказываем.

Как выбрать подходящую модель?

Достаточно ответить на три вопроса:

1. Как поперечины крепятся к крыше? Механизм прост: автобокс прикрепляется на поперечины, а вот поперечины сажаются на автомобиль разными способами в зависимости от конфигурации. Внедорожники обычно оснащаются рейлингами специально для этого, к другим машинам поперечины могут прикрепляться на водостоки, в штатные места, даже за дверь.

2. Какая у крыши машины длина и ширина? Важно, чтобы автобокс не мешал полностью открывать пятую дверь в хэтчбеке, то есть производить замеры нужно с открытой дверью. Автобокс затем подбирается по длине — плюс/минус 10–20 см от крыши автомобиля.

3. Как расположены поперечины? Они должны располагаться так, чтобы вес груза распределился равномерно по всей крыше. Одна поперечина должна располагаться где-то в начале бокса, вторая — ближе к концу, ещё одна желательна посередине. Так автобокс не сорвётся, а крыша машины останется в целости и сохранности.

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Автобоксы Thule Touring или высокое качество по доступной цене

Для кого-то автомобильный бокс является необходимой частью машины, а кто-то прекрасно справляется и без него. Если вы относитесь к первой категории водителей, тогда наверняка перед вами возникал или еще возникнет вопрос, какую модель автобокса выбрать. Хочется, чтобы цена была доступна да и качество не подвело. И тогда возникает дилемма: купить дорогой автобокс и быть уверенным в надежности изделия или сэкономить, но в то же время не знать, можно ли доверять качеству выбранной марки?

Среди множества производителей, поставляющих в продажу автобоксы, продукция торговой марки Thule заслуживает уважения, о чем свидетельствует множество отзывов покупателей. В последнее время в лидеры вышли автомобильные боксы Thule Touring. Чем же они так полюбились общественности? Каковы их плюсы и есть ли недостатки? Давайте разбираться.


Разновидности автобоксов Thule.

Как и любая другая компания, Thule выпускает несколько серий автомобильных боксов Thule:

• эконом (Touring);

• премиум-эконом (Motion);

• премиум (Dynamic);

• люкс (Excellence).

Разновидности автобоксов Thule

Они могут быть разных моделей. До 2016-ого года в названии указывались цифры, сейчас же – английские буквы, обозначающие размеры: Touring S, Touring M и Touring L (соответственно Touring 100, Touring 200 и Touring 780). Собственные имена есть лишь у двух моделей: Touring Sport и Touring Alpine (соответственно Touring 600 и Touring 700).

Наибольшее количество моделей объемом от 330 до 430 л включает эконом-класс Thule Touring, заявивший о себе в 2014-ом году на выставке во Франкфурте как альтернатива устаревшим моделям Pacific. Хоть автобоксы Thule Pacific долго занимали лидирующие позиции, пришло время их усовершенствовать. Изменился дизайн автомобилей, да и качество материалов претерпело существенные изменения. Теперь в тренде поверхности под акулью кожу. Они отличаются особой прочностью, положительным влиянием на аэродинамику.

thule touring

Компания Thule всегда следила за новинками в области разработок багажных систем. И покрытие типа «акулья кожа» не осталось в стороне. Учитывая свойства этого материала, Thule выпустила для крышек автобоксов ABS-пластик, имеющий новую фактуру поверхности aeroskin с повышенной прочностью и аэродинамичностью. При этом компания не отказалась от выпуска классических глянцевых поверхностей, поэтому в продаже на сегодняшний день представлено два варианта Thule Touring – серый aeroskin и черный глянец.

Комплектация автобокса Thule Touring

Здесь нет никаких особенностей. Она стандартная:

• инструкция;

• крепления (4 шт.);

• ключи (2 шт);

• грузовые ремни (3 шт.).


Конструкция и особенности Thule Touring

Дизайнерское оформление автомобильного бокса Thule Touring стильное и оригинальное. Угловато-плавные края крышки, приподнятая передняя часть, наличие фирменного логотипа и наклейка с наименованием модели – все это свидетельствует о том, что производитель уделяет внимание каждой, даже самой мелкой детали.

  • Замки

Крышка в автобоксах Thule открывается с двух сторон. С каждой стороны бокс запирается в трех точках с помощью подвижной планки и запорных крючков. В запорном гнезде имеется красная кнопка, отвечающая за правильность и герметичность закрытия. Запасной ключ в комплекте имеется.


  • Подъемный механизм крышки

Позволяет открывать крышку автобокса в две стороны. Несмотря на простоту конструкции, он весьма надежен и сможет удержать крышку даже при сильном порыве ветра. Кроме того, подъемные рычаги Thule не замерзают на морозе и не текут на жаре.

  • Дно

Дно автобокса имеет продольные направляющие, позволяющие увеличить допустимую нагрузку на дно и уменьшающие завихрения воздуха при движении автомобиля.

Также автобоксы Thule отличаются наличием прорезиненных прорезей для крепежей, которыми боксы фиксируются. Это позволяет защитить внутреннее пространство от дождя и пыли.

thule боксы

  • Крепление автобокса

Используется модель Fast Click с основательной конструкцией крепления. Механизм работает плавно и исправно, гарантируя жесткость установки автобокса. Клешни зажимов защищены пластиковым кожухом, что позволяет поперечинам автобагажника выдержать даже очень большие нагрузки.

Кроме того, на дне автобокса имеется от 4 до 6 металлических скоб, которые фиксируют содержимое автобокса с помощью грузовых ремней, идущих в комплекте.

  • Гарантия

Если у вас имеется идентификационный номер продукции и чек, подтверждающий факт покупки автобокса, вы сможете воспользоваться гарантийным обслуживанием в любой стране, т.к. на изделие предоставляется всемирная гарантия.


Вместо выводов

Доступная цена не всегда может указывать на низкое качество продукции. И автобоксы Thule Touring – яркий тому пример. Несмотря на то, что они выполнены из более простых материалов и относятся к категории эконом-класса, они ничем не уступают более дорогим аналогам в надежности и безопасности.

Если вы до сих пор сомневаетесь, стоит ли покупать автомобильный бокс Thule Touring, наш ответ однозначен: стоит! Удачной вам езды и безопасных дорог!

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Useful Tips for students to make learning video editing easy

Video editing doesn’t have to be a daunting task (for students OR for you!). It's a skill that can be learned by anyone with an interest in creating and editing videos. Here are some tips for you to help your kids enhance their video editing skills quickly and fast.

Get them the right software

There are many video editing software options available, such as VEED, Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, iMovie, Wondershare Filmora, and Davinci Resolve. Not all of these tools are created equal, so it's important to do some research before committing to one. You'll want to look at user feedback, ease of use, and support, among other factors. Choose one that suits your needs and budget.

Teach the basics

Before diving into the more advanced features, teach your kids the basics of video editing such as how to import and organize footage, how to cut and trim clips, and how to add transitions. Fortunately, there are many free and inexpensive resources available that can help you master the software you are using.

Focusing on the basic use of software helps your kids familiarize themselves with your tool. Once they feel comfortable with it, they can learn how to make edits. 

Watch tutorials or take a class

Did you know that video editing is one of the most popular types of online content? Millions of people watch video editing tutorial videos every day. 

Video editing tutorials can help you teach your kids how to do all kinds of things — from simple tasks like adding text or inserting photos into your videos to more advanced techniques like adding special effects and transitions.

Platforms like Outschool also offer a variety of classes on video editing that you can sign your kids up for, in case you want a little bit more direction and structure for them.

Practice, practice, practice

Now that you have the software of your choice, learned the basics, and have watched video tutorials, it’s time for practice!

Video editing, like any skill, requires practice to become proficient at it. Your kids shouldn't expect to become experts overnight; it takes hard work and dedication to become a top-notch editor. Encourage them to keep practicing!

Video Editor Features

Video editing software typically offers a wide range of features, depending on the specific program you are using. Some common features your kids can explore might include:

Importing and exporting media files: You can import various media files like video, audio, and images into your editing software, and export your edited project in different formats.

Timeline editing: You can arrange and edit video clips and other media files on a timeline to create a sequence of shots that tell a story.

Trimming and splitting: You can trim the beginning and end of clips, and split them into smaller sections.

Effects and filters: You can apply various effects and filters to your video, such as color correction, transitions, and visual effects.

Screen recording: Screen recording is a useful feature of many video editor tools, as it allows you to capture and annotate video footage directly from your computer screen. 

Audio editing: You can edit the audio of your video, adjusting the volume levels, adding sound effects, or syncing music to your project.

Titles and text overlays: You can add titles, captions, and other text overlays to your video.

Animations and keyframes: You can create animations and apply keyframes to control the movement and timing of visual elements.

Video compression: You can reduce the size of your video files without sacrificing too much quality with the use of a video compressor. This can be especially useful when you need to upload or transfer large video files, as compressed files take up less storage space and are faster to upload or transfer.

Multi-camera editing: You can synchronize and switch between different camera angles of the same shot to create a more dynamic video.

Green screen and chroma keying: You can use a green screen to replace the background of your video with a different image or footage.

360-degree video editing: You can edit and export videos shot in 360-degree format for virtual reality or other immersive experiences.


Introducing your kids to video editing can be a rewarding experience in your homeschool! Encourage their creativity, provide them with beginner-friendly software and resources, and foster a supportive learning environment. Remember to emphasize the importance of practice and experimentation as they embark on this engaging learning experience!

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The culture and importance of creating, sharing, and consuming digital content -, especially video content - has completely changed in the last decade. The production of films and videos is no longer the privilege of only large film and advertising production companies. Anyone can create and share content that can be delivered to viewers online. Image and video content have become one of the most important communications and sales channels today, so those who have video production and video editing skills can benefit a lot from them.

More and more parents are getting aware of the possibility that thanks to today's modern tools, even children can easily learn digital storytelling and video editing. In this blog article - based on our years of experience - we have collected 7 tips with which you can help speed up your child's video editing education.


At Logiscool, we always strive to follow the latest digital and technological trends in order to always teach the most useful knowledge and skills to children. Besides coding courses, we provide several opportunities for children to develop and deepen their creative storytelling and digital creative skills. Our Video Production Course is recommended for students over 9 years of age, which they can take without any prerequisites or previous experience. The course is held in small groups both in the classroom and online Kids can acquire a lot of useful and valuable knowledge, such as the basics of filmmaking, video editing, and how to express themselves and tell their stories in the videos they make.


For children to understand the video editing curriculum, it is essential that they learn the crucial foundations of film theory. At Logiscool, we pay a lot of attention to ensure that our students learn the material of the courses step by step according to their level and age. The basics of film theory is their first step on the way to successful video editing.


WeVideo is an easy-to-use, cloud-based video editing tool that enables students of all skill levels to generate professional-style films, podcasts, and other content. At Logiscool, we use WeVideo in our video editing courses, as children can quickly learn how to manage and achieve success with it. After the video editing course, they can also use WeVideo’s free version for practice at home.


The next important step that makes learning video editing easier and faster for your child is understanding the basics of film production. Once children learn about filmmaking terms, understand contexts, and learn to confidently use the tools and equipment needed for filmmaking, it will have a positive impact on developing their video editing skills.


Depending on the type of video and the project, different techniques and tricks should be used. It is a significant developmental milestone for children when they understand the differences between various types of video (for example vlog, advertisement, or report) and learns from which angle, at what resolution, and how these videos should be recorded in order to convey their stories as best as possible.


Learning does not end with video shooting, the fun part is still to come. This is when the post-production works begin. In this stage, children learn different techniques and styles as well as video editing essentials such as creating subtitles and adding different effects to their films.


Participation in collaborative projects during these courses provides the children with many useful skills. They learn how to ask and how to offer help, how to work in a team, how to take responsibility as well as to share both success and failure.


After acquiring new knowledge or skills, children's initial drive and enthusiasm can quickly wear off if they are not given the opportunity to follow through and stay engaged. At Logiscool, we, therefore, support the ambitions of children in two ways to deepen their digital storytelling, film production, and video editing skills. In addition to the Video Production Course, we also offer one-week Video Production camps, for which children from the 10 years of age are welcome. There are no prerequisites for joining the camps.

Video content production is a modern way of creative storytelling, which plays an extremely important role in today’s communication and is expected to become even stronger in the future. Whether it's a vlog, a film, or a report, learning the basics of video production and video editing is a strongly useful and valuable skill that should be acquired at a young age.

Picture of Wilbert Mcclary
by Wilbert Mcclary - Thursday, 16 November 2023, 5:36 PM
Anyone in the world

What Is Coding For Kids And Benefits Of Coding?

Learning to code may be extremely difficult for adults, which leads many parents to believe that learning to code is impossible for children. However, in today's world of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, coding is quickly becoming one of the most popular subjects in schools.

This may seem ridiculous, but children are fantastic at learning to code. If a child begins learning to code at a young age, it opens up a world of possibilities for both life skills and career exploration. In this article, we will discuss what is coding for kids and its benefits. We will also touch upon online coding classes for kids. So, keep reading.


The question, “What is coding for kids?” is becoming increasingly popular. Given how reliant society has grown on technology, it's no wonder that an increasing number of individuals are interested in learning this seemingly impossible skill and mindset.

In a society where technology is pervasive, coding allows youngsters to become self-sufficient citizens. Learning to code allows students to have a greater understanding of one part of the digital world in which we live, as well as become more equipped for it in certain aspects. The goal of learning to code is no longer limited to becoming a professional coder and satisfying the labour market demands.

Parents are particularly enthusiastic about their children learning to code. A recent study reveals that 90% of parents in the United States want coding for children to be included in school curricula.

We'll go over what coding is for kids, the advantages, the statistics, and why this specific type of computer literacy is so crucial right now in this guide.

What Is Coding For Kids?

Coding (or programming) is a creative process in which computer programmers instruct a computer or machine on how to carry out a given task. It entails utilising computer programming languages such as Java or Python to create executable scripts.

Some people consider coding to be a method of interacting with computers. Programmers issue commands to computers, which the computer executes. Coders, programmers, and developers can build games, applications, computer software, websites, and interactive digital content.

Why Do Kids Need To Learn Coding?

Improves logical and critical thinking

Kids may learn to code to improve their logic, reasoning, and critical thinking skills. A favourable association between computer programming and cognitive ability has been discovered in several recent research. According to the findings, students who knew how to code scored higher on the cognitive ability tests than those who had little to no programming expertise.

When children learn to code, they are taught how to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable chunks to write functional scripts. This is known as decomposition, and it is a valuable ability that students will find extremely handy whenever they are faced with real-life problems.

It doesn't end with decomposition, either. Because coding and problem-solving are so similar, youngsters who code have an edge in learning this ability.

A programmer must (a) identify the problem, (b) analyse it, (c) come up with a feasible solution, (d) test it, and (e) repeat the process if the problem is not solved.

Kids get accustomed – and eventually comfortable – with the problem-solving process as they learn to code. The more students practise creating, rewriting, troubleshooting, and debugging lines upon lines of code, the easier it gets to cycle through the tasks and execute them correctly.

Helps to solve problems and puzzles

Problem-solving takes on a whole new meaning when you know how to code. From beginners to experts, anyone will tell you that creating codes may be difficult. When something doesn't work well, youngsters learn to rapidly change it and try again in other ways through code. Coding also teaches youngsters to stay focused on an issue and work toward a solution. This problem-solving method may be used in a variety of disciplines.

Scientists, for example, tackle issues by formulating hypotheses and testing them one by one. A programmer changes one component of his code at a time to see which one fixes the problem.

Improves focus 

Many people don't associate computer programming with creative thinking since it appears to be so technical. However, programmers are fully aware that coding may foster creativity. When you're learning to programme from the ground up, you'll need to think creatively.

Consider this: children who can code can create applications, games, animations, websites, and more. They can write down lines of current code to generate interactive material, but the blueprint for that content comes from their ideas.

When children learn to code, their attitudes about digital media and technology shift. They may get ideas for their work every time they try out new software or play a new video game.

Coding might be a good way for them to express themselves creatively. Some children like drawing. Some children sing or play an instrument. Some kids know how to code.

This creativity necessitates a certain amount of concentration. When children create a programme, they must examine all factors to produce the appropriate code.

Building the future of kids

The demand for professional coders and developers is growing quickly as our society becomes increasingly reliant on technology and the internet. Programming is no longer a talent that is just useful in the computer industry.

Education, banking, health care, and retail—all of these unrelated industries have jobs that require some level of programming ability. Kids who know how to code have a distinct edge over their less technologically savvy peers.

The new computer literacy is coding. Applicants who grasp even the fundamentals of coding, according to many businesses and IT recruiters, stand out. They are more likely to be taken into consideration than their counterparts who do not have the same information. When basic programming becomes a needed skill set in the future, youngsters who already have the fundamentals won't have a hard time adapting.

Your youngster will have an easier time navigating their environment in the future if they have appropriate coding abilities.

Coding encourages confidence and resilience 

If you've ever tried your hand at coding, you're aware of how exactly it can be, especially when it comes to text-based coding! While block coding is forgiving, text-based coding necessitates flawless grammar. A script can be rendered worthless by a single misplaced comma or semicolon.

Kids will no certainly get familiar with the arduous process of writing, running, debugging, re-writing, and re-running their code as their scripts become more complex. Nothing beats this for teaching patience and rewarding perseverance.

Furthermore, children who code tend to be more assured and secure in their choices. Writing good, workable screenplays is challenging, but it's even more difficult when you're constantly second-guessing yourself.

Benefits Of Coding For Kids

The advantages of coding may be surprisingly many. When it comes to preparing your children for the future from a young age, coding provides a wealth of opportunities for them to learn life skills and explore career options. The top five advantages of coding for youngsters are discussed below:

Computational thinking

Computational thinking is an organised and established strategy for identifying issues that anybody can use, regardless of age or computer proficiency. It promotes critical thinking and focuses on assisting students in developing and implementing problem-solving skills. Because it's "cross-disciplinary," it's a good idea to start teaching it in elementary school or even preschool. Within the same setting, all disciplines are organically merged for the pupils.

Improves communication

Communication is a must-have ability in school, business, and life, no matter what you do. There is nothing that may stop you from succeeding in many businesses and life if you know how to explain complicated concepts in simple ways. When children and teenagers learn to code, they gain a critical skill: the ability to connect with computers. After all, computers can only comprehend complicated ideas if they are broken down and organised in a way that they can comprehend.

More collaboration

Coding entails confronting and resolving issues. Finding answers via study and cooperation is at the heart of learning to code. Collaboration is an important part of learning to code and a skill that will benefit kids and adolescents in school, at work, and in life in general.

An added advantage to academic skills

Start learning to code if you want to be more appealing to admissions officials and potential companies. This is a valuable talent that many of your classmates lack, and it will offer you the competitive advantage you need when applying to universities, internships, and employment.

Coding promotes the development of executive functioning abilities such as problem-solving, planning, and mathematical thinking, in addition to computational thinking and programming skills. Kids will be given a skill set that will aid them in their academic endeavours.

More demand for coders

We are living in one of the most revolutionary periods in history, and learning to code will increase your child's prospects of pursuing a profitable STEM profession. Artificial intelligence (AI) and computer employment are expanding rapidly, more than double the national average. Coders are in great demand and have become a necessary talent, with graduates with CS majors earning 40% more than the average college graduate.

Improves persistence

Learning to code is difficult, just like learning anything new. When you're coding, you'll run across complex difficulties and make mistakes, and dealing with them might be frustrating. When confronted with such problems, coding will teach youngsters and teenagers the crucial talent of perseverance.


Show your youngster what they can create with code to pique their curiosity. They will be able to accomplish anything with coding, including making games and applications, producing animations, and much more. And, of course, it's entertaining! Even if your child eventually wants to study anything other than computer science, their coding abilities will be useful in various fields—coding teaches problem-solving, organisation, math, narrative, design, and more.

Most significantly, knowing what is coding for kids and how coding turns children from passive consumers to inventive producers, with eyes that perceive technology as more than simply a toy, but as a challenge to solve and a chance to create.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is coding important for kids?

We have mentioned above a complete list of reasons why coding is so important for kids in today’s digital world. Read about the same and get your child registered in a coding class today.

2. Why is coding good for kids?

The brains of children are pliable and adaptable. They can learn and remember information fast. Children introduced to coding at an early age learn how to critically evaluate issues, investigate alternative viewpoints, develop innovative solutions, and use the trial-and-error learning process. The younger children learn to code, the simpler it will be for them to master it—and all the other abilities that coding fosters.

3. How do I start my child in coding?

Because most current youngsters are so tech-savvy, learning to code on their own isn't impossible. While self-taught coding is possible, we don't recommend it. Instead, consider the following choices for more practical learning:

1. School Education/School Curriculum

2. Coding Bootcamps

3. Private Tutors/Lessons

4. Coding Games

5. Online Coding Classes For Kids

4. At what age a child can start coding?

According to experts, children should be taught to code as early as possible. Each child develops at his or her own pace and in distinct ways. From the age of 5 or 6, you may begin teaching youngsters simple coding tasks.

5. Which is the best programming language for kids?

Java is a popular and straightforward programming language. Hundreds of well-known games, including Minecraft, utilise it. Your child can learn how to use Java to create Minecraft modifications.

JavaScript and Java should not be confused. JavaScript is also quite simple to learn and is an excellent choice for creating 2D online games.

HTML is a text-based, beginner-friendly language ideal for creating web pages.

CSS is frequently used in conjunction with HTML. Also good for programming design components into an HTML website and is beginner-friendly.

Scratch/Blockly is a block-based programming language that continues to be one of the most effective ways to teach coding to children aged 5 to 7.

6. How to find the best website/online coding classes for kids to learn to code?

Always rely on the advice of other parents. A programme with a 4- to 5-star rating is preferable. 3-stars is a bit of a gamble. Anything else is simply unacceptably unacceptable.

When deciding between a free or paid curriculum, consider how much you're willing to put into your child's coding education. It's also a good idea to talk about it with your child. If they want to check it out, a free or low-cost option is a good place to start. If your child begins to show genuine enthusiasm and love for it, you can gradually increase your investment.

Why pay for an education programme if no live or professional help is available? Your child may be viewing How-To videos. Choose tools that enable you to communicate with your mentors, such as email or messaging applications.

The top online coding classes for kids offer extra study or hands-on practice outside of class time. We advocate selecting programmes with a large number of digital content that your child may access at any time.

7. How to make kids interested in coding?

You won't have to persuade your youngster if they're already interested in computer programming, coding, and/or game/app creation. It would be more of a case of locating online coding classes for kids on which you and your partner can agree (in terms of budget, curriculum, schedule, and so on).

8. Are there online coding classes for kids?

Yes, coding can be learnt through online coding classes for kids that feature different course materials, live videos, free modules, practice sessions, and much more.

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Coding for kids: Reasons kids should start coding & how they can find success

Coding for kids seems like an impossible journey, right? It’s a lot like learning an entirely new language (literally)!

Thus, simply asking children to picture themselves building something like an app is a difficult enough task in itself.  

We’ve all been there: a blank slate can be a very scary and overwhelming roadblock, and can lead to a number of questions. “Is coding for me? How am I ever going to get to a point where coding comes easy? When will I be able to use these new coding skills to complete a finished project?”

Questions like these have stopped many in their tracks before they have even given themselves the chance to begin.

It's understandable—first you have to plan, then you have to learn. After that, you have to be good enough to create something. But before you can even begin learning, you have to decide what it is you’re going to learn.

Not to mention that you need to have a great understanding that the thing you’re learning is going to pay off in the end. 

There is no way around it. It’s quite the challenge.

But think about it this way: any new task always seems impossible from the start, and is in fact impossible if you don’t take all of the necessary steps - and in the right order - beforehand.

This means that jumping in with two feet could actually lead to more frustration, and even lessen the chance of follow through and eventual success compared to starting small, taking your time, and achieving little victories along the way.

So, let's start small.


steps for coding for kids

Coding for kids refers to the opportunities available for children to get involved in coding. These opportunities aim to be fun and gamified to keep kids' young minds engaged. You might also hear coding referred to as "programming," or "computer programming."

And while it is difficult to imagine a child learning something so complex, coding can be a reality for kids thanks to the many coding summer camps, websites, coding tutors, after-school programs, and toys.

Coding is not always the typical "computer science" that you or your children might instinctively avoid.

In fact, coding is simply how we communicate with computers, and what we use to build and run websites, apps, games, and more. 

This communication is carried out via a number of different languages, including:

Scratch: A visual, drag-and-drop coding experience

Python: Easy-to-read code that is great for beginners

Java: The language tested with the AP Computer Science exam

C++: Which is used to create software, code games, and more


Getting your child to code can take one of many paths. From our Silicon Valley camps to Singapore, we see it unfold every day over the summer. 

So, let’s start by focusing on moving one direction—forward. It doesn’t have to be a giant leap, and you don't have to be the one tasked with teaching coding. In fact, per the above, it should really only be a small step for now, and you can utilize a number of different resources to assist.

The important thing is that with each move, your child experiences progress.


Time has passed since the idea of coding for kids started to really gain traction, yet we are still seeing STEM education stats like by 2025, 3.5 million STEM jobs will go unfilled. And others like 71% of all new jobs in STEM are in computing, but only 8% of STEM graduates are in Computer Science. People are still wondering if coding is hard to learn.

In other words, there are computer science jobs, lots of them—and jobs that pay very well.

What makes this even better is that it’s not just the jobs (this would be a much shorter blog post if that were the case). But also the creativity, problem solving, collaboration, communication, and other skills ripe for improvement as byproducts of kids learning to code.

So, kids should learn to code because:

Coders are in high demand

Coding provides a competitive advantage

Coding knowledge allows students better understand the world

Coding is fun and satisfying

Coding improves creativity

Coding improves problem solving

Coding improves persistence

Coding improves collaboration

Coding improves communication


Here is an explanation of the different reasons why it's important for kids to learn to code.. 

1. Coders are in high demand

As mentioned, according to, 67% of all new STEM jobs are in computing, yet only 11% of STEM graduates are in Computer Science. That’s a serious shortage of CS majors.

2. Coding provides a competitive advantage when applying to colleges, internships, and jobs

If you possess a hot skill that many of your peers lack–such as the ability to code–you instantly appear more desirable in the eyes of potential college admissions officers and employers. Plain and simple.

3. With coding knowledge, students better understand the world around them

Most of us don’t know the first thing about what makes our smartphones, laptops, social media networks, and video games run. Basic programming knowledge can change the way we interact with the technologies we use (and take for granted) daily, and can open our eyes to the infinite possibilities of coding.

4. Coding is fun and satisfying

While programming is logic-based, it’s also an extremely creative activity. If you have the skills, you can develop the aforementioned apps, code games, websites, and more!

For many developers, part of the appeal of coding is the challenge and reward of seeing their code come to life after a good debugging session. Don’t be fooled, however–with the right instruction, getting started with programming can be easy and fun.


girl java coding with minecraft

5. Coding improves creativity

When you learn a language, you use it to express yourself. The same is true with code. Computer coding empowers kids to not only consume digital media and technology, but to create it. Instead of simply playing a video game or using an app, they can imagine making their own video game, or envision what their own website, or app might look like—and they’ll have the outlet for expression.

Thus, it's not always about the benefits directly related to computer science. As the above has shown and below will show, there are plenty of benefits that stem from getting involved with and taking an interest in coding. 

6. Coding improves problem solving

When kids code, they take complex problems and break them down into smaller parts.

Kids learn what it’s like to approach a problem the way a software engineer does, with logical, computational thinking.

As Dan Crow, CTO of SongKick explains, “Computational thinking teaches you how to tackle large problems by breaking them down into a sequence of smaller, more manageable problems.”

This logical thinking is a powerful tool in school, work, and life.

7. Coding improves persistence

Learning to code, like any new discipline, is a challenge. Thus, tackling complex problems—and making mistakes along the way—can be very frustrating.

Coding teaches the valuable skill of persistence in the face of such challenges. Learning how to problem solve and look for solutions through research and collaboration builds this highly desirable skill.

8. Coding improves collaboration

Every student can learn, and every student can learn how to code—kids can learn alongside others of every race, gender, or background. Kids meet and learn how to collaborate with all kinds of peers, all joined by a common interest in technology.

Classrooms and other in-person environments, like iD Tech, bring kids together for face-to-face collaboration. Kids learning online can also grow, asking each other questions, and working to solve problems and create things together.

Many games, like Minecraft, are also considered "good for you" because they offer a bevy of educational benefits, and involve coding, collaboration, and participation—with peers all over the world.

9. Coding improves communication

Communication is an absolutely essential skill throughout school, work, and life. People who can clearly communicate complex ideas in simple terms tend to be successful in different industries and walks of life.

When kids learn how to code, they learn how to communicate with the most simple-minded audience imaginable: computers. As mentioned, computer coding teaches kids how to break down complex ideas and arrange them in a way that computers can understand.

But with all of that, proceed with caution…

At this point, you still might have a number of questions:

What if my child doesn’t want to learn to code, specifically? Does that make them a failure?

Will they not have the chance to secure a cool internship down the road? A worthwhile job?

What if they want to learn to just “tech” instead? Is that a viable option?

What if they want to learn X? Or Y? Or Z? Will those things count in the future?

Likewise, if they only learned to code, and nothing else, would that take them to the top?

So, let me wrap up this section by saying me or whomever else urging you to “learn to code” is probably not doing so with the intent of the statement to be so exclusive.

I mean, you would never be encouraged to read, but not write. Or to learn your multiplication tables while throwing division out the window. Facebook was created by a programmer, but what would it be without design?

So, by all means, if you have a kid with a coding interest, then yes, help them to LEARN. TO. CODE. If they don’t have an interest, have never coded, and have other interests, still consider it, though. It’s that important, and you’ll be glad you at least gave it a chance.

But in the process, don’t forget about the other things. Help them learn to “tech,” and explore game development possibilities, 3D printing, or video production if that's what better suits them. Immerse in photography if that's truly what they want to do as a hobby or even a future career.

Have them get skilled in marketing, negotiation, promotion, and more… or learn how to become a leader. There is a list of learning opportunities, and that list goes on and on. Coding can take you far, but you must also possess the complementary skills to make your creations thrive.

One of the most amazing things you’ll ever hear is that Steve Jobs didn’t code for Apple. Ever.

Can you believe that? If I asked you whether or not Steve Jobs was successful, you’d turn around and ask me if the sky was blue or if grass was green.

Jobs was one of the most successful people to roam the earth… not because he was a supreme coder, but because he knew enough to communicate a vision, and was wildly skilled elsewhere.

In the end, kids and teens who want to capitalize on the abundance of computer science jobs in tomorrow’s landscape should be taking coding courses today.

Before all of that, let's take a look at some definitions. 


Learning a new language is difficult because without meaning, words are just random combinations of letters.

Thus, it’s not enough to just be able to pronounce something—you need to be able to understand what each and every word means in order to form a logical statement.

So, let’s dive into a few of the major terms your kids and teens are likely to encounter as they first embark upon their coding journey.


Does your son or daughter have a dog? Has your family tried to train that dog?

The goal being, of course, is that you reach a point where you give a command and the dog responds appropriately based on your instruction. “Sit.” “Stay.” “Roll over.”

When it comes time for your kids to write a program, or program, they are doing much of the same. They, as the “owner,” are communicating a set of commands to a computer, with the expectation that the computer will respond accordingly.

Of course, the difference here is that, instead of sternly vocalizing those instructions with a liver-flavored treat hidden in their hand, kids will be writing instructions in a programming language that kind of resembles familiar English, but has a few additional parameters and rules.

Yes, training a dog is difficult, but take comfort in the fact that if your child’s programming command is given correctly, the computer will always listen. Success with a dog could hinder on the presence or absence of a nearby, pesky squirrel.

Programming is the foundation of robotics, video games, apps, computer graphics, and much more. And, every one of these programs is a set of instructions; a sequence of short commands, one after another, with programming used as the tool to write and disseminate those individual instructions.

“Programming language”

Based on the above, the crux of programming is the associated language. In order to converse with a computer, you need to speak in terms it understands.

First, think about the English language. We have words, but we also have punctuation. There are also different rules and guidelines around when you should use a particular form of a word, and when you should opt for another.

A programming language, then is made up of its own vocabulary and set of rules—the difference is, each language is based on its own unique syntax (grammatical structure) and semantics (meaning).

And yes, “each” language—as in there are multiple programming languages; each with their own rules and use cases.

“Scratch programming”

We started by defining programming, and then talking about what a programming language is.

While there are many, many other coding terms to define, it’s useful to take a look at a term like Scratch programming, that represents a big piece of what your child might encounter as they’re first getting started.

Scratch is a MIT-developed graphical programming language, based on drag-and-drop programming basics so kids can easily create interactive stories, comics, and more.

Scratch programming is popular for kids because instead of using lines of code, youth users learn though colorful command coding blocks and cartoon sprites. This means that without typing a single line of code, kids can get their feet wet with programming statements and computational ideas, and begin to test their limits of creative thinking in order to problem-solve.

boy doing scratch programming


Looking at everything that has been presented above, I hope you’re still at a point of wanting to move forward!

Either way, this is a great place to stop and evaluate, because from here on out we will be diving into the best coding language options for your kids, while also taking a look at a few inspirational stories from kid coders themselves.

Scratch and other visual programming languages

See, I told you Scratch would be coming up again!

Since we already talked about it above, I won’t go into too much additional detail, but really, visual programming is a great way to get a young, inexperienced student into coding.

Sure, such platforms help teach coding but don't get into the syntax necessary in most other coding languages, but that’s OK! This is all about progress; moving forward, remember? Trying to put too much on to your child’s plate typically does more harm than good.

With Scratch and other visual programming, it’s all about the simplicity that gets kids excited about coding. The immediate gratification of dragging and dropping commands and then seeing interactive stories, games, and animations unfold is insanely powerful.


While a little more involved and complex than a visual programming option, Lua is still a great programming language for kids and teens who want to pick up a language quickly.

And, I’ll pause here to state that half the battle of getting a child engaged in something new (especially when that something comes with new challenges) is connecting it to already-established interests.

So, do your kids like video games? Lua is a great for students interested in applying their newfound coding skills to game programming. In fact, the number of developers using Lua continues to rise, which translates into job availability down the road. A student equipped with such skills can jump into a variety of career options.

Plus, ever heard of Roblox? Top Lua developers who design games on Roblox can make over $1 million a year! (Learn more about Roblox coding for kids.)

Just to get a taste of what kids can expect, in our Lua classes, students begin with Roblox's built-in editor to create 3D worlds and expand their functionality with Lua. From there, they can create scripts for their own game, or even sell scripts to other designers for use in their games!


Listen, if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed at this point, I don’t blame you! It’s a lot of info on top of more info, and then some.

So, now is a good time to focus less on telling, and more on showing.

It might be near impossible to think of kids or even teens finding their way…especially to a point where they’ll be equipped with coding skills to perform in a lucrative career.

But like anything, it’s a process. Here at iD Tech, we call it the iD Tech Pathway™, which by definition, is our long-term skill development system that advances campers’ “love and mastery” of technology over time.

But in practice, it’s the idea that, just like learning a foreign language or musical instrument, you’re going to have to dedicate more than one hour of practice. Instead, to achieve “master” status, it’s best to start young and continue to build passions and skills little by little.

Our STEM programs are set up to facilitate such a journey—kids can start as young as 7 or 10-years-old with code lessons and courses in iD Tech Camps or Alexa Café, respectively, and then continue their journey as teens with iD Coding & AI Academy, iD Game Dev Academy, or AcademyNEXT. At the end of it all, they’re in perfect position to continue their pathway into college and then eventually onward to an exciting career.

That said, we have seen students accomplish some incredible things. To help you visualize what jumping into coding can do for your child, here are a few of our favorite kid coder success stories.

Anyone in the world

What is Coding for Kids? What Age is Appropriate to Learn to Code?

What is coding?

In simplest terms, the method of communicating with any computer is called coding. This implies that the language that we use to give the computer instructions to perform different functions is called coding. Often coding is also known as software programming or computer programming. It can take various forms like visual blocks, JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CSS. Coding, therefore, is a language. This language is what allows our technology to thrive. It allows microprocessors in everyday objects like air-conditioners and televisions to function properly. It is the very base of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that allows more sophisticated technology like self-driven cars and security systems to operate.

Coding for children

One might wonder then about the relationship between coding and children. We have already established the fact that coding is a language. And like any other language, it is never too early to learn it. Learning any language from an early age gives one proficiency. It allows children to gain many cognitive and social benefits. These benefits not only allow them to fit in a more globalized world but also aids them in becoming more successful.

We are living in a hyper-digital world. Technology has become more prominent in our lives today than it was even five years back. The pandemic currently sweeping through the globe has made the importance of technology even more prominent. And coding is the language of conversation with technology. Hence, kids learning programming or coding is becoming valuable, if not a necessary skill set.

One might ask why kids need to learn to program? Is it not enough that they know how to operate the technology without going into too much detail? The answer to this is hidden in the benefits that kids learn from programming.

The benefits of coding for children.

To overcome any adversity in life, kids need to know how to solve the problems that arise. As parents, we must help our children. We can solve their problems for them, but that is not a sustainable action. We need to equip our children with the methods, utilizing which they will be able to solve their problems.

Kids learn programming by understanding how coding works. It helps them to understand how software developers use coding and maths to solve problems and create applications logically and creatively.

In traditional academics, often failure is feared. But through coding, children learn that failure is not to be feared. Coding is a learning opportunity for children which allows them to continuously fail without repercussions. It allows them to creatively solve a problem through a trial-and-error method. Kids learn programming by breaking down bigger problems into smaller components. It allows them to be problem solvers by thinking and applying themselves creatively. It boosts their logical reasoning ability and creative thinking. This in turn boosts their confidence and self-esteem. One of the best benefits of coding is that it teaches children to have fun with maths. Traditional teaching often makes maths a subject to be feared. But coding allows children to learn organization and analysis of data in a fun and creative manner. This in turn helps them to be more engaged with calculations in a cheerful and fun manner.

Code writing for kids overall is a fun and engaging method. It is the perfect gift if you want your children to be creative problem solvers who have fun with mathematics.

The appropriate age to learn to code


Best Age to Start Coding

Now that we have established the importance and benefits of children learning to program, parents might wonder about the age at which coding can be introduced to children.

The straight answer to this is children of all ages can be introduced to coding. From pre-schoolers through high schoolers, anybody can learn to code. Since coding is a language, it is beneficial to introduce it as early as possible. Our children today, our growing up in an increasingly digitized world. Thanks to the pandemic, children as young as 3 years old are attending their schools through their mobiles, computers, and tablets. Coding being a great cognitive tool helps toddlers with their reading and maths skills.

techmentry kids

Fun Activities for Children

Through fun hands-on games and activities, code writing for kids is introduced in the preschool stage. Activities include building blocks, activity worksheets, puzzles and mazes, story sequences, etc. It is no different from the variety of sensory games that are available in the market today. For school-going children, this becomes more structured. Emphasis is put on a mixture of traditional maths and application development. Code writing for kids is mostly a gamified experience in the preschool stage. It involves the development of problem-solving skills. It becomes more language-based as one grows up. Middle schoolers and high schoolers are often taught different coding languages like JavaScript and Python. Kids’ online coding is taught through various websites. Independent learners can learn different aspects of coding through various online academies. With the pandemic playing havoc in our daily lives, kids’ online coding classes are more viable for parents. Before the pandemic, different camps and tutoring options were available for kids to learn to code.

It would be correct to state that the future is digital. It is our responsibility as parents to introduce our children to this digital world in a safe manner. And coding helps us to do this and also allows the child to flourish creatively and logically.