Blog entry by Rosemarie Avey

Anyone in the world

kage. The perks and amenities of the Cambridge summer institute are awesome, but the real portion of the program teaches students the scope of management within international economic enterprises.

Contemporary studies provide an awareness of the challenges facing the world. Cambridge programmes are designed to prepare students to improve cultural sensitivity, develop the necessary skills of management, and give each student an understanding of the cultural differences of international b

‘They start saying that there are chemical weapons that have been stored by their opponents or by the Americans and so when they themselves deploy chemical weapons, as I fear they may, they have a sort of maskirovka, a fake story, ready to go.

The Prime Minister said Mr Putin is in charge of a 'cynical, barbaric government' and he believes Moscow could resort to deploying chemical weapons after its invasion stalled in the face of fierce resistance from Ukrainian forces

Olha Stefanishyna, Ukraine's deputy Prime Minister, said there can be 'no doubt' the hospital was deliberately 'targeted' by Russia in a chilling echo tactics used during the bombing of the Syrian city of Aleppo while Putin's men were fighting alongside dictator Basahr al-Assad's troops.

orks. International Relations Cambridge Summer School has openings for college students as well as professional and recent graduates to spend an extraordinary summer studying abroad at Cambridge, Unite

Like so many others, the family had discounted the threat of Russian invasion. Then, as fighting began on the city's outskirts, they listened to civic leaders telling them to stay calm and joined communal efforts to distribute food and clothing to the frontline.

Russia's announcement of the missile strike came as Kyiv's army high command claimed to have killed a fifth Moscow general since the war in Ukraine began. Lieutenant General Andrey Mordvichev (pictured) was one of Vladimir Putin's most senior commanders, in charge of the 8th All-Military Army of the Kremlin's vast Southern Military District

'Through this jolting experience I learned first-hand about the hunting society in northern Greenland; how life operates here above the Arctic Circle.

It was interesting to learn how the Inuit people of the Arctic have adapted to particularly harsh conditions yet have somehow made themselves comfortable with their surroundings. 

They put tape over their windows for protection from flying glass, stocked up the freezer and started sleeping on mattresses alongside other families at High School Number Two, across the yard from their flat.

A senior official troops were defending positions on four fronts despite being outnumbered after residents scrambled to take cover in basements, metro stations and bomb shelters across the capital following a televised warning of air strikes. 

Russian armour is now advancing on Kyiv from the north and east, with US intelligence saying the plan is to besiege the city, capture an airport, and fly in paratroopers who would then attack the capital.

‘I saw one man run across the yard towards the apartment block and a shell land next to him, which blew his leg off. We were afraid to help him in case we were killed and there were no ambulances.' She does not know if he survived or not.

The mosquitos in this region were relentless - taking a bowl of soup from a nearby small cabin (where the cook was making food) to my tent often resulted in a dozen mosquitos landing in the bowl, thus becoming part of the protein intake. 

All war is hell. But Mariupol's descent into darkness has been meteoric, merciless and utterly monstrous after Vladimir Putin's forces unleashed a horrific barrage of bombs, missiles and shells that have flattened this pleasant port on the Sea of Azov.

, UK. Not only will you have unique classroom instructions, but participants will also spend one day in London. You will visit famous business and law institutions, banks and corporations where you will interact with representatives, managers an

'Clearly there is evidence to be gathered in which to prove it is a war crime, and Western countries are working together to make sure that evidence is gathered in the best way so people can be held to account.

Some corpses were hastily covered with a thin layer of soil amid the shelling, while others were dumped in a mass grave dug in a nearby park - resulting in fears that many people will never discover the remains of their loved ones.

'So, what matters beyond the outrage of the fact that this has happened in the first place is to make sure all this is catalogued so when - and they surely will be - President Putin and everybody in the military chain of command beneath him - because war crimes are committed at every level not just the ultimate decisionmaker - people will be held to account for what they are doing in. It's utterly despicable.'

The couple were taken the next day to a hospital where medics have kept working despite the building also being struck by shelling. By this time there was a stream of people searching Mariupol for missing relatives.