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Washers used in conjunction with fastening systems form essential components of most parts. These miniature components, usually made from various materials, including carbon steel and stainless steel, operate as seals or spacers. They also function as liquid protectors and vibration absorbers.

In this article, we’d examine the different types of washers, the materials used in making them, and how to choose the right washer for your needs. So, read on to find out.

Contents  hide 

I What is a Washer?

II Purpose of a Washer

III Different Types of Washers

IV Materials Used to Make a Washer

V Size Chart of Different Washers

VI What are the Shapes of Washers?

VII Washers Standards You Need to Know

VIII How to Choose the Right Washer?

IX WayKen Meets Your Specific Washer Needs

X Conclusion


What Is A Washer?

Washers are little, round, flat discs having a hole in the middle. They are made from different materials, including brass, stainless steel, carbon steel, and non-metallic materials like ceramic, phenolics, plastic, etc. Washers’ function is to facilitate the distribution of load over a relatively large area.

A washer placed between a surface and a screw act as a spacer, minimizing the effect of vibration produced by equipment or machine and preventing corrosion.

Purpose Of A Washer

Washers are essential when coupling parts using bolts and nuts. Here is the purpose of washers.

different washers

Spacing and Alignment

Washers can be utilized as spacers. When we insert a threaded fastener into an object longer than its depth, the fastener protrudes from the rear of the object. For instance, when one tries to insert a 3-inch-deep fastener in a 2-inch-deep object, the 1-inch fastener sticks out the back of the object.

However, inserting a washer into the fastener before screwing it to the object helps prevent this protrusion. Therefore, it does this by creating padding, ensuring the fastener does not go too deep into the object. Also, washers compensate for slight variations in the spacing found between types of fasteners and parts, ensuring proper alignment.

Load Distribution

Washers assist in spreading the load more equally across a broader surface. The risk of material deformation, damage, or failure is decreased by washers because they disperse the force produced by a nut or bolt. For instance, driving a screw into a softer material could result in cracks appearing on its surface. However, with washers, there is minimal damage tendency.

Seal/Liquid Protection

Washers in this category stop water and other liquids from entering and exiting. Seal washes are frequently applied in water pipelines and connectors to make a waterproof seal. Liquid-sealing washers are constructed of a flexible material, and this material choice ensures they press completely against the object’s surface.

Vibration Absorption

Vibration absorption is a feature of some washer types. Washers in this category are mainly not metals. Instead, softer materials like plastic, rubber, or urethane are used to create them. These softer materials are better at absorbing vibrations than harder elements like metal.

Additionally, vibration-dampening washers help protect coupled parts from damage. This is especially true when one of two objects connected by a threaded fastener vibrates violently.

Damage Prevention

The nut or bolt head and the surface it is fastened to are separated by washers, which serve as a protective barrier. This preserves the material’s integrity and maintains the connected surfaces’ visual appeal by preventing marring, scratches, dents, and other damages.

Corrosion Prevention

Washer fasteners, especially those made from corrosion-resistant materials, offer additional protection against corrosion and rust. This is crucial in locations where prolonged exposure to moisture, strong chemicals, or other elements can deteriorate the fastening system.

Different Types Of Washers

Manufacturers use types of washers for making and coupling parts. Below are different washers and their uses.

Plain Washers

Plain washers are the most popular kind. They disperse force and safeguard the item that the screw or nut is attached to. It also helps the screw or nut fit properly into a large hole. Plain washers in this category include:

torque washer

Torque Washer

The principal uses for these washers are in the woodworking industry. When a nut is tightened, the outside prongs of the washers feature square holes that prevent the accompanying bolt from spinning.

flat washer

Flat washer

Flat washers have a hole in the center and are flat or disc-shaped. They are ideal for small head screws because they spread the weight across a wider surface.

fender washer

Fender washer

Fender washers are bigger and have a tiny hole in the center. They can spread out the load across a broader region. These washers are primarily used in sheet metal manufacturing, automotive fenders, and plumbing industries.

countersunk washer

Finishing or countersunk washer

Countersunk washers in this category often create a flush finish upon securing with a flat-head countersunk screw. This ability to catch countersunk fasteners is due to its sunken top.

a shoulder washer

Shoulder washer

Shoulder washer fasteners in this category come in various materials, including PTFE, fiberglass, metal, phenolic, and nylon. These shoulder-like shaped washers often serve as insulators for screws and wires.






A C-washer resembles a flat washer, but the primary difference is the hole cut from its center to form a C-shape. One primary advantage of this type of washer is that it is possible to adjust, remove or modify it without removing the fastener.

spring washers

Spring Washers

For machinery that vibrates vigorously while operating, spring washers are ideal. They move with vibrations, thus preventing them from being loose or unfastened because of their axial flexibility, consequently increasing the joint’s flexibility. There are different types of spring washers.

conical washer

Belleville or Conical washer

These washers, often called conical spring washers, are employed to maintain tension during the assembly’s thermal expansion and contraction. They can support large weights while deflecting only slightly.

dome spring washer

[ Modified: Monday, 18 March 2024, 12:49 PM ]